
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology

02 août 2023

Rédaction: VR

How does apelin affect LH levels? An investigation at the level of GnRH and KNDy neurons

Anne Abot ; Vincent Robert; Renaud Fleurot; Hugues Dardente, Vincent Hellier; Pascal Froment; Anne Duittoz; Claude Knauf; Laurence Dufourny

07 novembre 2023

Rédaction: VR

Male-induced early puberty correlates with the maturation of arcuate nucleus kisspeptin neurons in does

Maxime A Meunier 1, Chantal Porte 1, Kévin Poissenot 1, Hélène Vacher 1, Morgane Brachet 1, Pablo Chamero 1, Massimiliano Beltramo 1, José A Abecia 2, José A Delgadillo 3, Philippe Chemineau 1, Matthieu Keller 1

07 novembre 2023

Rédaction: VR

Highly-Sensitive In Vitro Bioassays for FSH, TSH, PTH, Kp, and OT in Addition to LH in Mouse Leydig Tumor Cell

Danièle Klett , Lucie Pellissier , Didier Lomet , Flavie Derouin-Tochon , Vincent Robert , Thi Mong Diep Nguyen , Anne Duittoz , Eric Reiter , Yann Locatelli , Joëlle Dupont , Hugues Dardente , Frédéric Jean-Alphonse , Yves Combarnous

07 novembre 2023

Rédaction: VR

Interactions between β-endorphin and kisspeptin neurons of the ewe arcuate nucleus are modulated by photoperiod

Vincent Hellier 1, Hugues Dardente 1, Didier Lomet 1, Juliette Cognié 1, Laurence Dufourny 1
Sci report

07 novembre 2023

Rédaction: VR

Short photoperiod modulates behavior, cognition and hippocampal neurogenesis in male Japanese quail

Marion Georgelin # 1, Vitor Hugo Bessa Ferreira # 1, Fabien Cornilleau 1, Maryse Meurisse 1, Kévin Poissenot 1, Massimiliano Beltramo 1, Matthieu Keller 1, Léa Lansade 1, Hugues Dardente 1, Ludovic Calandreau 2