Unité de Recherches Avicoles



Sous-titre edito

The joint research unit Biology of Birds and Aviculture (BOA) conducts integrated research on the biology of farmed birds, from the molecular level to that of the animal in its environment. Its objective is to generate knowledge in the fields of physiology and genetics that contribute to the development of sustainable poultry systems and quality food. The unit's research is conducted in the context of a transition towards multi-performing rearing and breeding systems, combining resource efficiency and societal expectations in terms of animal health and welfare and product quality. These developments increase the need for research on the adaptation capacities and robustness of animals in diversified farming systems. Our unit has complementary expertise on a shared model, the bird, allowing the development of approaches integrating different levels of regulation (genetic, transcriptomic, epigenetic, protein, metabolic, physiological) and the understanding of interactions between production, adaptation and product quality functions.

The research is structured around three axes shared by the three teams of the unit:

- Characterizing the physiological, molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the major biological functions of the bird (metabolism, growth and development, digestion, plasticity, formation and function of the egg).

- To propose evaluation tools, through the development of indicators or biomarkers that can be used in selection and rearing to improve the adaptation capacities and the quality of the products (egg and meat).

- Integrate knowledge and tools to contribute to the transition of breeding and rearing systems towards multi-performance and to the food and non-food value of poultry products.

The unit is piloting or co-piloting several research and development projects, including the H2020 PPILOW (https://www.ppilow.eu/) and INTAQT (https://h2020-intaqt.eu/) projects; with Laval University in Canada, the Nutri-MOD International Associated Laboratory (LIA); and with ITAVI, the UMT BECOME (Bien-être, Eleveurs, COnsommateurs et MarchEs) action program.

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